Book Review: Face of Betrayal by Lis Wiehl and April Henry

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lis Wiehl, legal correspondent for FOX News and former prosecutor, and April Henry, an established mystery author, have released a gripping new political mystery: Face of Betrayal.

Katie Converse is a bright, career-oriented girl recently chosen for the rare position of a Senate page in Washington D.C.

When Katie leaves for stint in the Nation's Capitol, she's a happy-go-lucky teenager; but by the time she returns home for the Christmas break, she's depressed and emotionally distraught.

Enter Cassidy, Nicole, and Allison; a report, FBI agent, and prosecutor respectively. And known amongst themselves at the Triple Threat Club, a name chosen in honor of their favorite dessert.

As they work to resolve the case of Katie Converse, the Triple Threat Club comes to strongly believe that a Senator, notorious for his numerous extramarital affairs, is responsible for Katie's disappearance.

But he's not the only suspect as a boyfriend and the Senator's wife also have motive; not to mention that there could be a serial killer on the loose in Portland, Oregon.

This is a fast paced novel with an excellent plot. My only disappointment was the stories within the story and the ending of the main idea was a bit choppy. While there was suspense surrounding these issues, the was no build up to a finale; just a abrupt solving.

I was most pleased, however, with reading a crime novel that did not hesitate to allow a character to exhibit a strong Christian belief. And, being classified as Christian fiction, readers are subjected to much of the foul language so commonly found in your mainstream crime genre.

Overall, this is a great book to read if you enjoy mystery and suspense; especially those that revolve around politics.


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