Calgon, Take Me Away...To A Warmer Climate!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

HawaiiAm I the only one who is sick and tired of this cold weather, ice, and snow?

Considering all of the complaints in the Facebook status, I don't believe I am.  Seems like every other status makes a comment on the temperature, school closings because of snow, and the current icy conditions around the country.

Snow is beautiful.  Once.  But I don't care to see another snow flake this year.  So says I while there's snow flurries outside now. *sigh*

I am so ready for spring to get here.  Too often I find my mind wondering to a warmer climate destination; for example, the beautiful beaches of Hawaii.

Sounds so awesome, doesn't it?

I'd even settle for somewhere a little closer to home like the Sunshine State of Florida.

Wait, wait, wait -

If I'm going to dream, I want to dream big.  I want to dream about a place that has summer during winter (well, during a U.S. winter anyway):  Australia.

Ohh, I can only imagine.

As I look out the window and watch the snow flurry around, I can only dream.

Please, Calgon, take me away.  Take me away to warmer weather!

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