Hello Toothpaste, Meet Sink

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why does toothpaste have such a strong affection for the mirror and an aversion for the sink?

Okay, okay...the truth is actually that my children have these affections/aversions.

I'm sure I did it as a kid too.  But being that my mother is like OCD when it comes to a clean home, I'm sure I didn't do it often. :)

Well, enough whining.

I gave the boys' bathroom mirror a scrubbing for this weeks' Tackle It Tuesday hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom.

I realize this is a lame tackle, but it's warm out and we'd rather be outside.  Unfortunately, it's not warm enough yet for any outdoor tackles...unless you count mowing the yard, which I'm no longer allowed to do.  (Another story for another day.)

For today, the bathroom mirror looks nice.  The boys have been introduced to the sink...again.  I'm not counting on it lasting though. :(

Next week, maybe I'll work on teaching my boys to RINSE WELL and not use the towel to get the excess toothpaste off.  (Lame again, but important nonetheless!)

To see tackles that aren't as lame as mine, visit http://www.5minutesformom.com/.

2 chatted about this topic:

Babes Mami March 30, 2010 at 5:58 PM  

My husband is 30 years old and gets toothpaste on the mirror! I know it's him because it couldn't possibly be me.

LargeFormatPrintsExpert April 5, 2010 at 10:35 AM  

oh well i also do it sometimes but i always clean it. not with the towel but with some toilet paper haha

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