Fight Childhood Obesity: Win a Wii Fit With #KidsWeigh
Thursday, July 9, 2009
With childhood obesity reaching an all time high across the country, many parents struggle with how to help their children maintain a healthy weight with proper nutrition.Dr. Joanna Dolgoff, the official doctor of Camp Shane and a board certified pediatrician, has created Dr. Dolgoff's Weigh, a traffic-light system that allows kids to learn which foods are healthiest without counting calories. To spread the word about her site and program, Dr. Weigh, is sponsoring a Wii Fit contest to help you get your family up and moving this summer!
How To Enter:
To enter to win the #KidsWeigh Wii Fit contest, check out client testimonials and fabulous Dr. Weigh success stories then fill out the secure contest form at telling us which story was your favorite!
Want a chance to speak with Dr. Dolgoff about your nutritional questions and win more prizes?
Join her Friday, July 10th at 9 p.m. ET on Twitter for her #KidsWeigh discussion.
Door prizes will be awarded. To RSVP and for more information go to Resourceful Mommy.
One grand prize winner will receive a Wii Fit. Two runners-up will receive a free one month membership to Dr. Weigh. This contest ends Friday, July 24th at 11:59 a.m. ET. and is brought to you by Momfluence.