Expensive Formula Does Not Equal Better Formula
Thursday, December 9, 2010
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of PBM Products. All opinions are 100% mine.
I recently read an article at MoneyWatch.com about the Similac formula recall.
It was just another reminder that although all baby formulas, including store brand formula, has to meet FDA requirements, parents are still in the mindset that higher price equals better quality.
Not so. The Infant Formula Act of 1980 applies to ALL brands of formula. What does this mean exactly? No one formula is better than the other.Being a Mom of four children, I've used my fair share of pricey formulas. My personal experience has been that my children with whom I had made a switch to generic formula were just as healthy and energetic as those with whom I had used brand name products.
I also know there's a lot of hype about brain development in formulas, making sure babies have the best opportunity to be as smart as they can be. On that issue, all I can say is that all of my children are intelligent; formula choice does not appear to have had any bearing.
The one thing I can promise when it comes to choosing a formula is that you will get equal quality with generic formulas but will save A LOT of money that's better put toward a future college education.
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