5 Important Life Lessons Every Child Should Learn

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Are kids today learning all the important life lessons?

I guess you're answer to that depends on what you believe the important life lessons are.

And for everyone it's going to be different.

Personally, the following is the five most important things I strive to teach my children:

  1. BE KIND:  While I don't expect them to allow themselves to be used or abused, I also teach my chidlren to remember that everyone is an individual, with unique talents, personalities, and even personal difficulties.   Offer everyone kindess, even if they don't offer it to you.
  2. LIVE IN THE MOMENT:  There is nothing wrong with planning for your future, but you have to make sure you enjoy the here-and-now too.  Especially childhood.  There's only one time in our lives we are offered the freedoms that come with childhood; don't overlook them or wish them away. Just live!
  3. SAVE, SPEND, GIVE:  I believe this is the triad of financial well-being.  I teach my child to save for tomorrow, spend some for the things we need and want today, and give to those who are less fortunate.
  4. INDEPENDENCE:  Some conformity is good, it's how we create law and order in a civilized society.  However, I also encourage my children to not be afraid to express themselves.  You don't always have to think inside the box.
  5. IF YOU'RE HAPPY, THEN YOU ARE HAPPY:  You can't make everyone happyy all of the time, so it's important for children to know they have to seek out their own happiness.  Lose the negative friends, pursue the interests you enjoy, date that "uncool" gal or guy that your friends don't like - if it feels right, then it probably is...for you.  (Of course, I do have to remind my children this life lesson doesn't apply to homework, curfews, and the sort! lol)
All of The life lessons that I teach may not be what is right for your child(ren) but I hope somewhere in there I've given one idea that may change your child's life.

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