How To Fix Operation Aborted Message In Blogger

Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22, 2009 - For the past several days, every time I attempted to view my blog I received an error message from Internet Explorer saying the operation was aborted.

I tried the trial and error method of removing scripts, retrying, then replacing them if the message continued. All to no avail.

Finally, I found information online yesterday that said many blogspot blogs are receiving this message and that it has been linked to the Google Friend Connect (Follow) scripting.

The first and easiest way to fix this issue is to remove the Follow option from your Page Elements.

But...if you need the Follow option easily available to your visitors just create a HTML/Javascript box that asks readers to use the Blogger banner at the very top of the page to follow.

However in many templates, such as mine, this option has been removed. Here's how you can make it visible again:

  1. Login to your Blogger Dashboard. Then go to Layout --> Edit HTML

  2. Download a copy of your template

  3. Click Expand Widget Templates

  4. Look for: /* Blogger Navigation Bar */

  5. Change the following five lines to read like this:

    #Navbar1 {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    display: inline;

  6. Click Save Template.

  7. Once Blogger has confirmed your changes, click View Blog and the top bar should now be visible at the top of your page.

I'm not a programmer by any means, but this is how I was able to replace the top bar which I will be using until Blogger corrects the Google Friend Connect script. Hope you find it helpful too!


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